Global topbar

Bricks Theme comes with global topbar for Pages, Post taxonomies (categories, tags) and Product taxonomies (categories, tags).

On each page or taxonomy page you'll find this control:

By default, topbar is set to Hide. You can change it individually for each page or taxonomy to Overlay or Normal. It will fetch featured image, description and post/term title to fill in the selected layout.


Template for topbar of Pages can be found in Bricks > Template > Page topbar template

You can edit it in Bricks builder:

Post taxonomies

When you create or edit post category/tag you'll find these fields:

To apply Overlay or Normal layouts, make sure to fill at least the taxonomy name and featured image.

To edit these 2 layouts you can go to Bricks > Templates > Blog taxonomy archive x (where x is number of the template). We have more variants of blog taxonomy archive template for you to use, some has topbar layout some doesn't. Depending on that you'll see this inside Bricks builder editor:

Product page + product taxonomies

Product page and product taxonomies share on template which is named Woocommerce | Shop template x (x is the number of template). Similar to post taxonomies, some might have topbar layout some not so depending on that you'll find these in the builder:

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