Custom Checkout page

Create a checkout template via Bricks Templates. Then with Bricks Theme you have these elements:


Checkout billing detail

Fields related to Billing

Checkout shipping detail

Fields related to Shipping

Checkout order detail

Order details (subtotal, total, taxes, fees...)

Checkout coupon form

Coupon field

Checkout payment

Payment methods

Checkout shipping methods

Shipping methods

Checkout terms

Checkout terms text

Checkout submit

Submit button

Checkout order notes

Order notes

Checkout create account

Create account fields (only when it is enabled in Woo settings + user not logged in)

With these elements you can create any checkout layout. To display list of products in cart, use query loop to query cart content.

At the moment, you need to style them via CSS.

Custom login form in checkout

You cannot add a form directly inside Checkout template because it is already a form. Workaround is to create a popup with login form that has redirect to checkout after login. In checkout you just need to create a button trigger to show this popup.

Last updated