Off-canvas cart without addon plugin
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Last updated
If someone needs the off-canvas cart only without using our addon plugin, we’ve split the code into snippets for you. You’ll need:
A code snippet plugin (or similar)
Access to FTP (this can also be done via a file manager plugin)
The off-canvas scripts available in your account
First, log in to your account and download the ZIP file named "offcanvas-cart-scripts." Unzip it, and you’ll find all the necessary files there.
The PHP files are intended for use with a Code Snippets plugin. Simply open each file, copy the code, create a new snippet, and paste the code into it.
For the JS and CSS files, upload them to your server. Currently, the code assumes the paths www/js
and www/css
. This means that if you want to keep the default setup, go to the main directory of your FTP and create two folders named css
and js
. Upload the CSS file into the css
folder and the JS file into the js
If you prefer to place the scripts in a different location, update the file paths in the load-scripts.php
snippet accordingly.
Add your desired offcanvas template. If you wish to build custom offcanvas layout, follow this tutorial:
Custom Off-canvas cartSome offcanvas templates use dynamic tag that needs other code snippets to work (e.g. subtotal) - make sure to check them and add them if needed.